at Cassegrain Winery

Enjoy the pristine gardens at Cassegrain Winery.

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Booking Terms and Conditions
We require payment in full to confirm your booking. This is payable by direct deposit.
Cancelling a booking more than 48 hours from booking time: A $20 administration fee is payable.
Cancelling a booking less than 48 hours from the booking time: 50% of your total booking fee will be deducted plus a $20 administration fee will be payable.
Cancelling a booking less than 24 hours from your booking time 100% is made payable.
A Waiver of Liability and release form must be signed and helmets must be worn at all times. Long pants and covered shoes must be worn. Riders must follow instructions given by trail guide and affiliated staff at all times. If a rider is not following instructions or is endangering themselves, horses or others on the ride they will be asked to dismount immediately and no refund will be given. We endeavor to have appropriately suited horses for all riders however do not guarantee availability. If there is not a suitable horse available at the selected ride time a reschedule will be offered. Please advise in advance if there is a rider over 100kg joining us.
Port Macquarie Horse Riding Centre reserves the right to continue or cancel bookings based on an assessment of the weather on the day of your ride. If Port Macquarie Horse Riding Centre assesses it is safe to ride, the rides will continue to operate and no reschedules or refunds will be given. If a ride is cancelled due to bad weather, a refund or reschedule will be provided to all customers. As some coastal weather does not affect us, it may be raining where you are but this does not mean it is raining where we are. Rides will continue as planned unless it is deemed unsafe to proceed. Pack a rain coat if it looks like showers are forecast for the local area. If we plan on cancelling or rescheduling your ride, we will contact you by phone to make arrangements.
It is important to disclose your level of ability and previous experience when booking so we can ensure we appropriately match you to a suitable horse. If you indicate that you are an intermediate or experienced rider, you will be assessed in the arena before commencing your trail ride. You must demonstrate proficiency inside the safety of our enclosed arena before we allow any trotting or cantering on trail.
During your riding assessment you will be asked to ride away from the group, showing independent control and balance of the horse in walk, if you are proficient at walk we will ask you to trot a circle and rise to the trot, if you are unable to confidently rise to the trot with independent balance and correct control you will not qualify to trot on trail and you will not be asked to canter. If you have indicated that you are able to canter and you have passed the trotting assessment, you will be asked to canter. If you are unable to show adequate control and balance you will not be able to canter on the trail ride. These measures have been put in place to safeguard you, your fellow riders and our team of horses.
If you are not confident at trot and canter, we recommend you book into a series of lessons, so next time you trail ride you will have the skills to do more than the beginner level riders. Trotting and cantering cannot be taught in one lesson and can be very dangerous if you are unable to balance yourself and control your horse.
As lesson times are highly sought after and bookings are generally full, it is important to give as much notice of any changes or cancellations as possible.
Lessons cancelled within 24 hours of the booking time will be made payable in full. This policy will be strictly adhered to.
Please arrive 15 mins before your start time. In the event that a client is running late, all lessons will conclude at the scheduled time and full fee will be due.
If we are experiencing poor weather, PMHRC staff will assess if it is safe to proceed with lessons or not and contact you at least one hour before your lesson time. Please remember it may be raining where you are, but it may not be raining at the riding school as coastal weather patterns differ to ours from time to time. We will often proceed in showers, so pack a rain coat as the arena is nice and safe even if it’s a bit wet under foot.
A waiver of liability must be completed before your first lesson.
Accepted methods of payment
Standard Bookings:
We make all our bookings using our online platform “bookeo”. You can sign in and manage your own account, make, change, cancel bookings and make payments via bookeo. There is a “sign in” and a “book” button on our webpage www.portmacquariehorseriding.com.au
Your booking confirmations will be emailed to your account at the time of booking, and you will also receive a reminder 24 hrs before your booking. If you have not paid at the time of booking, you will be emailed a payment request that must be paid at least 24hrs before your booking time.
Payments for reoccurring school term bookings:
You will receive an email confirmation for your booking and a payment request if you have not paid at the time of your booking. Bookings must be paid in full before redeeming the service. Payment can be made using our online payment platform and following the Pay button in your payment request. If you need assistance to pay, please ask your coach to help and they can process the payment with you.
Accepted methods of payment
Payment via Bookeo is preferred. If you are an NDIS participant, you will be invoiced via quickbooks as outlined in your service agreement.
Please be advised we now have two payment options for term fees.
Pay in full by Monday week one of school term.
Press PAY BALANCE on your booking confirmation email. -
Pay weekly in advance by credit card.
This will be automatically debited on Mondays from your elected credit card.
Safety, Insurance, Suitable clothing and footwear:
Please wear long pants and covered shoes. If you think you will be riding regularly, it is recommended that you invest in a pair of riding boots; jodhpurs and your own helmet (please make sure you check the safety standard on your new helmet, it must meet the updated standards that were introduced 1 Jan 2017 AS/NZS3838. There are many online stores selling old stock for cheap EN1384 is no longer valid.) There are a few places selling gear locally for reasonable prices, these include Super horse saddlery, SP produce Blackbutt rd Port Macquarie and Wauchope Rural supplies (near Timbertown). Wearing an an impact vest is also advisable. We also recommend purchasing personal individual accident insurance.
Any client information collected by Port Macquarie Horse Riding Centre is stored safely and is not disclosed to any third parties. Information collected including email addresses may be used to contact clients with updates in services and marketing correspondence. To opt out please contact us: info@portmacquariehorseriding.com.au. Payment details including credit card numbers are not saved or stored.